This year Clowntastrophe will feature over 30 artists! The show includes visual art, and special performances by TrickZone and members of The Olde City Sideshow!
The band Mischief Brew will be performing!! Check them out!
(Scroll down to see list of other artists and visit their links)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Promotional photos for the event....
Check out these sic pics that our friend Heather Raquel Phillips took the other night. We are at Delicious Boutique, and most of the wardrobe can be found there as well...
"Clowntastrophe!" Art Event was created in 2006 by painter PaulPalcko and fashion icon PsyddeDelicious, from their mutual love of Clowns. The shows are held annually at Delicious Boutique in Philadelphia, PA.
"Clowntastrophe!" is about the Circus and Sideshow tradition. Part art show/ part history lesson, the art is visual interpretation of the historic aspects of the American traveling shows, the gritty dirt roads...and some distorted memories involving clowns.
awesome! this is going to be such a great show! thanks Paul